1. Specify Everything Possible: First Step of A Strong Digital Campaign
Digital campaign implementation in MENA requires specific assets. MENA is a region where different origins, languages, cultures and understandings of life meet, and accordingly, consumer expectations and behaviors change. As a matter of fact, one of the most important issues when talking about the campaigns to be held in MENA is that the dynamics of any campaign organized in MENA vary greatly according to the target audience, product recognition and image. Therefore, the dynamics of the campaign should be specified in order to manage the campaign comprehensively and effectively, and secondly, to achieve the expected results from the campaign. It is not difficult to analyze that this specification will be effective both in the preparation, implementation, conclusion and post-campaign processes of the campaign. Specifying the campaign at the very beginning will primarily be beneficial in terms of median selection and reaching reach. In the second stage, it will be easier to produce content and discourse for the campaign in a campaign that has been set with specific goals at the beginning. Finally, it can be said that reach to conversion rates are higher in a specific campaign in order to conclude the campaign and achieve the desired goals, and communication with appropriate audiences can be maximized in this direction. At the same time, it can be concluded that such a specificity in a region as diverse as the MENA would be more effective in terms of metric-based measures and other feedback mechanisms. Briefly, MENA is home to diversity. It allows you to maintain your content-trafficking & e-commerce operations for diverse masses. For that reason, a campaign must be specified with extensive metrics, target audience and product profile. Consumer culture in MENA is a complex phenomenon that relies on socio-economic background, geographic position and age. Implementing a campaign that covers every group for every product is not tenable. Thus, a campaign should be really specific.
2. Significance of Locality & Creativity of A Strong Digital Campaign in MENA
All this background to the diversity we have mentioned makes it impossible at the end of the day to implement singularly holistic campaigns for the entire MENA region. As a matter of fact, even if the two campaigns to be prepared for two different countries are common in terms of language or narrative, it is not very likely that they will be common in terms of user behavior and profile. For this reason, it would not be wrong to say that localization and the construction of the narrative in this direction are essential in the execution processes of the campaign. It is also important to combine this localization with local and creative elements. So much so that one of the basic principles of launching a strong campaign in this special region, where the user-product relationship develops through factors such as trust and sympathy, is to have a comprehensive and effective performance in terms of creativity as well as in localization. In MENA, localized content & strategy is key ingredient of success. General trends across the globe may not be appliable to the MENA ecosystem. Therefore, your campaign should be localized. But local tones are not completely sufficient. You must combine necessary local tones with the current trends in popular expression formats.
3. Continuous Engagement: A Key Point to A Comprehensive and Strong Digital Campaign in MENA
MENA is a region where large user bases are in constant contact with many different brands and solutions. From this point of view, it is possible to say that the region is defined as a suitable market for communication by the brand, which has a different approach on many different issues. From this point of view, we can say that there is not an insufficient or weak digital communication ecosystem in MENA, contrary to popular belief. Again, from this point of view, it is reasonable to say that different socially established values of users throughout MENA come to life in this area as well. Based on this whole framework, in order to be active and dynamic throughout MENA, an ongoing compact communication strategy should be adopted. It can also be said that as long as the basis of this communication strategy is user-oriented, continuity and diversified engagement, a continuity can be achieved in terms of dynamic communication. In this context, we can say that you can base a dynamic and inclusive communication strategy on continuity in MENA. Users from MENA highlights the importance of dialogue. To ensure this your campaign must be open to direct access and interaction. Users seek accessibility, all across the MENA. Monologue campaigns could be insufficient to address user expectations in MENA. Hence, you must instrumentalize a strategy that consists of not only campaign-focused but more inclusive dialogue and engagement strategies.
4. Values to Consider Before Starting A Strong Digital Campaign in MENA
MENA is a region, full of different beliefs, heritages, and understandings which make the region is completely unique. And consumer behaviors happen accordingly. It makes crucial to have a respective perspective and approach to people’s values. At the same time, services can be evaluated in that respect by the consumers, it makes feedback and dynamic models very important. MENA, like all regions in the world, has created a unique communication ecosystem that exists with its own values and based on these values. One of the biggest differences of this ecosystem is that the values in this habitat do not lose their importance at any stage. Accordingly, the digital campaigns you will implement in MENA and the continuous communication reproduced by these digital campaigns must also refer to these values. In short, a communication strategy that you will implement in MENA should have a strong relationship with the values that have become a part of life by gaining specific meanings in the region, even if they become universal in terms of usage and language such as hospitality, respect, coexistence and love. Considering that modern lines and narratives can also be reintroduced into the system on the axis of these values, communication should have such a setup.
Conclusion and Further Remarks About Digital Campaigns Around MENA Region
In many respects, Digital Campaign Management in the MENA Region, which needs to be approached with a customized and strong performance in specific periods (just like Ramadan month of the year or Eid al Adha), actually comes across as a good and complex application of what we know and practice about digital campaigns. Middle East and North Africa campaign area, which requires professionalism and extensive & tailored care, is an area where the significant factors of digital marketing can be observed together with the set of "challenges" it brings. As digital/design/integrated/paris, we maintain the communication of various global brands in the region with a compact and multi-disciplinary approach that can go beyond normals of creative design in the region, thanks to our extensive dominance of the economic, social and communicative norms of the region and the analytical approach we have developed as a result of this contextual dominance.
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